Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Note to LAST Undergraduate Majors/Minors

Dear Latin American Studies Undergrad Majors/Minors - Please know that we are working very hard to try to bring some information to you about your programs and to create a forum where you can go to have your specific questions answered.

As you know, we were right in the middle of a transition with regard to the Undergraduate Advisor, and the hurricane completely disrupted that transition. I am currently working on a special blog link just for undergraduate issues; and we are working on a FAQ document which we hope to post on this blog within the next few days.

Please keep following this blog and touch base with us as needed. Also, please feel free to send your specific questions to Dr. Edith Wolfe, who is the undergraduate advisor. Her email address is edithwolfe@hotmail.com.

After some touch-and-go legwork, we just managed to get into our offices at Tulane and have retrieved much of the information on the Undergraduate Program that Dr. Wolfe needs and will be using to help advise you about issues related to your program.

In the meantime, if you read this, please send your current contact information -- as complete as you can make it -- to Dr. Wolfe (email address, phone and mailing address info, cell phone number, etc.). Also send to her any information related to where you are currently studying, what arrangements this institution is making for you, what your courses are, and any other information relevant to your status at Tulane (i.e. Honors thesis, core curriculum requirements, concentration areas, etc.)

Please know that we value your contributions and parts in our overall program at Tulane and we will be bringing you information speedily over the next few days.

In the meantime, keep your spirits up and stay in touch with anyone at the Stone Center.

Paz y solidaridad!!

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