Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Survey Reminder and Status Report

Hi,all - Graduate Students who have not completed the survey, should please do so. Please click here to do so.

A number of you have also submitted changes to your information. Thanks for sending that along. Please keep doing so as changes occur. When you do send changes, please make sure to send the information to Tom Reese, Edith Wolfe, and Valerie McGinley Marshall, as well as to me.

Soon we will have an updated list of survey and contact information from Gradute Students. Once this list is compiled, I will place the essential contact information for each student up on the blog.

I would ask all graduate students to please be vigilant about your stipend payments. Check your bank accounts periodically to look for direct deposits. You should all be getting your stipends as originally planned. Just for your information, the pay schedule is every two weeks on Fridays. The first pay date was Friday, August 26. If you did not receive a direct deposit for this first installment, it means that your check was printed manually and was awaiting you in the Graduate School. The Dean of the Grad School is working on retrieving these checks and then making sure you get them. The second pay date was two weeks later, on Friday, September 9. If you did not receive your first stipend check, but you did receive your second check, then chances are that your first check was manually printed and that your direct deposit information was processed before the storm hit. The next stipend disbursement is scheduled for Friday, September 23. Please let me know if you still do not receive your stipend. If you do not, then it probably means either that you were not able to submit your payroll/direct deposit information before the storm hit, or that it was not able to be processed by the Payroll office before the Hurricane arrived. If you find yourself in this situation, please remember to register on the Tulane University website and to fill out a direct deposit form. Refer to my previous posting on the blog for information on how to do this. But I want to assure you that you WILL get your full stipend amount sooner or later (hopefully sooner rather later).

The next major issue we are trying to deal with is that of student health insurance. As soon as we get any information about this, we will let you know immediately. If you know who the insurance carrier is for the student health plan, you may want to contact the carrier directly to get updated information on coverage.

I am working on composing and uploading to the blog a series of letters that you can refer to for whatever reason to verify to anyone who may ask that you are a graduate student at Tulane University and are on stipend/fellowship. This letter may help you with registration at other institutions, and other financial aid program you may be applying to. Give me a day or two to get this up on the site.

I hope you are well and that you continue to stay in touch.

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