Saturday, September 03, 2005


Message from Adam Frick RE: Courses at Columbia Univ.

Received this email from new Grad Student Adam Frick. Send along items like this to me via email and I'll post them here. Also, if you notice any names missing from the email contact list in the left column, please send me that information. -- Jimmy
Hello fellow LAS students--

I arrived at Columbia University yesterday, hoping to audit a couple classes. Instead I was personally welcomed by the dean and offered a full semester at the uni, tuition waived, with fully-transferrable credits. I don't know what your plans are, but metropolitan communities, especially NYC, have warmly embraced many academic evacuees. Just go to a uni website and start contacting heads. I hope everyone finds supplemental opportunities of equal measure.

good luck

(if you are in the NYC area and want an LAS contact, my cell is 260 894 2230)

Finally, my housemate and LAS student, Forest Bradley-Wright, stayed in New Orleans for the hurricane, and just contacted me yesterday to let me know he is alive and relatively well. He also wanted me to make it known that, given his experience with the university and the NOLA community, ten years of it and much to do with public development, he could be used as a delegator of financial aid, or at least a contact within the city, so that the enormous ourpouring of financial donations does not go into anonymous, and (give the NOLA political history) potentially inappropriate, hands. His email address is

(Forest, as an afterthought I am sending this email to you. I'll take comments)

take care


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